Thanks Brian and Karen, John went to see his oral surgeon today - put that "camera thingy" up his nose to check things at the base of the tongue, mouth, etc. - and everything, thank God, looks fine. As far as this hardened mass/tissue - the doctor didn't seem too concerned, and said it was quite common and seems to feel it's more of a side-effect from the radiation. Also asked the doctor if a "swallowing specialist" was a good idea for John to see, and although he said that the they do have someone in that field of expertise - he felt it was not needed for him at this time. We also asked to see if he can get his thyroid checked since John still gets frequently tired and spends a lot of time in bed - he said that we have to wait "6 months from the surgery" before that can be done. I suppose that's because he is still healing and everything is out of whack yet. So all n' all - not much to report, but John is getting so frustrated with this tight, swollen neck - he said it's like "being in prison - with no chance of parole". Kind of a strange analogy - but I can understand where he's coming from. (not that either one of us ever spent time in prison!) The doc also gave him a different way of excercising his arm/shoulder in the pool that is supposed to be more effective - so as I write this, he's doing his therapy now. Thanks again for the reply's - I do appreciate it.
