Though I'm not a very frequent visitor to OCF site (these days) - I remember from your posts that your cancer was caught as T1N0M0 (the earliest stage). You underwent surgery but as I understand, you did not get the RT. Was there a reason for not prescribing RT by your consulting oncologist? (Please take care to *correct* me if I've misinterpreted).

I'm asking because my mother has a case very similar to yours but the doctors here *strictly* wanted her to undergo the RT without any second thoughts. I'm sure that the pain & other complications which a patient undergoes during/after RT is unimaginable... but is that the only reason it is not prescribed?

From the discussions I had with the oncologists here, I must say that RT shall be considered imperative whatever be the stage of cancer is (*not* precancerous - TisN0M0).

Any thoughts?

Arvind Saigal

CG to Mother (Bala Saigal/55/SCC, G1, T1N0M0, RT x 33 completed - 27/06/2007 | Presently recovering from the severe after-effects)