Joy -
I hope you are doing well. Rest and hydrate. We did get a script for magic mouthwash and a refill on the thrush meds just in case before he started round 2 - needed the thrush meds but no mouth sores. I was expecting they would be worse. One small blessing in all this, I guess.

Mike found he would wake up feeling pretty darn good, and a few hours later would just 'crash'. I hope you are able to continue working as long as you want and that your company continues to support you.

One thing I don't think I've mentioned is that Mike is almost always COLD. He'll be fine, then suddenly gets chilled and then can't warm up, and the cold wears him down fast.

Am thinking about you hoping its going well!

Caregiver/wife to Mike, age 48 used chewing tobacco - quit
SCC BOT T2N3M0 Diagnosed Dec 29, 09 HPV+
L ND Jan 7 removed 31 nodes, 6 positive Bilat mets neck
Siteman Cancer Center
Port in Jan 27, Peg in Mar 3
IC 28 Jan & 18 Feb - TPF
CRT Cisplatin x3 start March 10th