hi guys
have done a bit of a search but not found anything discussed so far.

had an upper arm flap done plus the left side ND. After the op my plastic surgeon said they must have pinched some nerves during the graft as i had palsy in my left arm/hand. cant lift wrist up and have constant numbness/pain/pins and needles from elbow to thumb and forefinger.

similarly the neck is numb etc.

not scheduled to see my PS for another week or so (he said palsy should sort itself out in 3 weeks) but wondering if anyone has had the same problem and whether they had any physical therapy to improve? or does it just take time?

no rads or chemo, so is purely from the surgery (2 wks ago).

cheers again

stage 2 scc in left oral tongue. 32 at dx
removed 21/12/09 plus left neck dissection and upper arm flap.
clear pathology 24/12/09
active footballer/surfer
social drinker
lives stress-free!