It sounds like your partner is very seriously ill from the infection. On the positive side, he is in an intensive care unit where he should get topnotch care and monitoring. You are doing all you can being there for him, and a miracle may be what he will need to get better. That being said, miracles do happen, and I add my prayers to yours that he will exprience one. Stay strong and keep us posted.

Caregiver to husband Dx. Stage 4 SCC of gingiva with 3 nodes pos. Partial mandiblectomy with bone graft from iliac crest Dec. 2006. IMRT x30, Cisplatin x3. Completed Tx. March 15, 2007. Osteonecrosis & removal of graft & plate Oct. 2007. Recurrence of SCC Dec. 2007. Deceased Jan. 17, 2008.