
Does your cancer treatment center have a social worker on staff? That person might be familiar with what others in your situation have done and might be able to present some options to you.

I wish you and your husband well. [/quote]

My Cancer Center had a "Patient Advocate." That nasty little piece of work called me on Friday afternoon at 3 PM when I was to start my treatment on Monday morning to tell me that If I didn't tell her when and where I was going to get the money to pay the estimated difference between what my insurance covered and their bill, I could not start my treatment. They already had $14,000 in cash in my account.

Two and a half years later I'm still at odds with the billing department who seems to misplace my payments and doesn't credit my account. They are incapable of accounting for anything but are really good at just pushing buttons on their computers. They have received a registered letter stating that the account is in dispute.

Don't rely upon anyone working in the cancer center to help you with finances.

Survived the "cure" of hemi-glossectomy and 30 IMXRT treatments. Ruptured my colon with 4 rads to go. Got that mess reversed then had to deal with the effects of the "cure"

17 months out or radiation and learning how to be different.