Thanks Miss Vickie,
you very eloquently put into words what I struggle to say. As I've heard before, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm tired of being "that courageous cancer survivor". The new normal sucks!! I sometimes just want to out in to the backyard an scream into the dark, but I don't want to wake the neighbors.
There's nothing wrong with being pissed off about what we've been through, and what we've yet to go through

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in these feelings.
Danny Boy- have a good yell!!


SCC Stage IV right tonsil T3N3M0. Dx 08/03. Clinical Trial:8 weeks Taxol, Carboplatin then Hydrea, 5FU, IMRT x's 48, SND, Iressa x 2yrs. Now 20 years out and thriving. Dealing with a Prostate cancer diagnosis now. Add a Bladder cancer diagnosis to all the fun.
It's always something
"Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."