About five days after his first Erbitux, you can expect an "acne-like rash" to begin to appear on his face. This is a good sign. The docs will be happy when this side effect appears and say it's a sign that the Erbitux is working. Unlike acne, these "pimples" will pop very easily. Our chemo technicians first recommended moisturizer to make the rash less red. Then our medical oncologist (MO, in forum shorthand) gave Tom a cream used for burn victims and it seems to help more. Another caregiver that posts uses hydrocortisone cream on her husband's Erbitux rash.

Gary's advice is excellent all around. Other posts here will give you an idea of what might happen, but everyone reacts differently, so don't let the experiences scare you. I told you about the rash, and your docs will too, because I think it is a sure thing with Erbitux.

Do a search for "Erbitux" on this forum. You'll see posts from ZendaT who I believe participated in a trial similar to the one your husband will be in.

Like you, I don't read all the stories out loud.

CG to Tom dx SCC 5/06; right neck lymph nodes removed, dx right tonsil and tonsillectomy 6/06; rad and chemo started 7/06; treatment COMPLETED 9/06 33x rad; Erbitux (8x); Cisplatin (2);