My husband will be getting Erbitux, but his will be free as he is part of a clinical trial. We don't know yet what kind of chemo- he will be randomized and treated with either Cisplatin or a different chemo drug, starts with a "D", I'll let you know after tomorrow, when we find out. I'm glad David already had the feeding tube, after reading some things on here. He lost 10 lbs in the hospital after surgery, but another 9 since he came home, and thats not good. He has been eating regular food for 1 1/2 weeks but now I am supplementing with Ensure and Boost and making him eat more often and yes, more fattening things.
Tomorrow he starts the Erbitux alone, one week later chemo and radiation. I am not reading some of this aloud to him because I don't like him to worry more than he already is. He doesn't mess with computers and I am doing all the research because I want to take care of him as best I can. Thank you for your replies.