Hi Hillary,

My husband was diagnosed November 2005 with stage 3 SCC in 1 lymph node unknown primary. No neck dissection, Dr said (if I remember correctly) if it had been found in more than 1 node he would have done it. He had 6 weeks of Carbo/Taxol, then 39 radiation treatments with 2 treatments of cisplatin/C5FUs 3 weeks apart. Your husband sounds like mine as far as caring for himself. Mike made sure he was ALWAYS well hydrated...he also had the tube which we are so thankful for even though he was able to eat (sometimes not much) throughout treatment. He also had ethyol and stuck with every dose but one when he had an infection, although he did get sick from it a few times. Good luck.

Caregiver to husband Mike SCC Stage 3 no primary/Carbo/Taxol 2 Cisplatin/C5FUS/39rad/finished 3/15/06