RO exam today. Things are proceeding well. Mass continues to shrink. Throat pain over the weekend became really severe. It was actually good news that she found Thrush. I got meds for it and glad that level of pain isn't what I have to live with for another couple of months. Appetite continues to be strong, but by Sunday evening, I cried out loud trying to swallow anything.

I also had GI consult today prior to scheduling PEG insertion. Doc there showed me hernia that I didn't realize I had. Not a small one, but if I do a halfway situp, this bump rises up from the sternum to navel like the alien from the movies was trying to pop out. I had no idea of this kind of hernia before. The GI doc said that would prevent installing the PEG in the usual way and are calling for a consult with radiology for them to do it...???? I was accepting the necessity of the PEG, especially over the weekend with that swallowing pain. But I'm thinking now I might pass. I'm 10 rad treatments in of 33. By the time I can get a tube, I'll be halfway or more. The meds are already working on the candida today and I can swallow much better than even this morning. I know things get harsher in this 3rd week. This hernia thing threw me. Asking for any opinions/thoughts from you knowledgeable folks.

Age 70
FNA biopsy March 2017
Dx SCC BOT Size T2, stage 3 April 2017
RAD started May 22
Chemo began May 24, Getting 3 rounds of Cisplatin