Hi Danielle,
I have been reading your posts and Im so sorry that your boyfriend is taking this really badly. My father felt depressed, was hospitalized and barely talking to anyone for about a month. I then flew from the US to see him and as soon as he saw me, he wanted to get out of the hospital ASAP and get back to talking ASAP. He too was on NG thru the nose for a month - the idea of a PEG freaked him out. I made my father meet an oral cancer survivor who also got a glossectomy and lymph nodes removed and was doing great 1 year post surgery. I think this man really motivated my dad to get better! And its completely ok to be on antidepressants - anything to make him feel better. Just keep reminding him that you are grateful to have him and you love him no matter what!
Remember to take care of yourself as well - you cant afford to be sick/ tired at this point.

Praying for your boyfriend and you! You will see an improvement soon smile

Father had oral cancer stage 4A. Diagnosed 17th May.
Partial glossectomy and graphing done from hand.
Radiation 30x. Chemo - cisplatin 6 rounds.
Finished chemo and radiation in Aug.
PET - Nov - recurrence and spread to liver and lungs
Chemo started - erbitrux and 5fu.
2 rounds done.
Passed away 12/23/2014 - i believe he is in a much better place now smile