So we have entered week two of the recovery phase. We have some issues trying to get the prescribed 6 cans in per day. He has been getting the water intake in, but only averaging 2 cans of the 6 he is supposed to be doing.. Have had some not so good falling outs about this over the wknd as so concerned as he is just wasting away on me! Took a hands off approach since, thinking maybe if i just let him do...he will step up to the plate but still only two cans.To me I feel like he is sabotaging his own recovery. I did call the PA and told her what was going on. She said she would talk to him that day as he was coming in for IV hydration. But she felt right now if he was getting the water in that was good and he could work on getting the nutrition up. I totally disagree with that, and think we should be working on a plan to get the prescribed ammt in- whether it be from continuous feeds during nite or ? Any pros, cons or suggestions. He is taking sips of water,tried some jello, not so good. Made him some mashed potatoes as MD stated thicker stuff would be easier....but he was,not interested..input appreciated, thx.

Wife/advocate for husband. 52 yo nonsmoker
ISSC tonsil stage IVa. HPV + Enlarged node & tonsil,
CT 2/13
Bx lt tonsil 3/8,
PET 3/16
Tx started 4/9/2013 Cisplatin x3 and IMRT x 7 wk
Tx end 5/29
GT 5/24-7/17
Officially in Recovery Phase! : )
CT scan 8/13-NED !
CT scan 7/14-NED
5/2018- 5 year anniversary -NED