Currently my dad is her caretaker but since we don't know what's to come next were not sure when Hospice should be called.
We don't even know how fast this is going to grow she is at the point now where all she wants to do is sleep and Dad said that he see's her holding her cheeks a lot and they appear pinkish.
They see her Dr's Thursday but I don't know if they will tell him these things or if he will ask. I feel there is a little denial going on with my Dad.

So any guidance is appreciated. And thank you very much for your kind words it's just a difficult time and I want to help.


My mom Lymphoma survivor 25 years.
Oral cancer since 11/2008
Surgery for reoccurence tumor 3/2012
8/2012 new tumor behind 3/2012 tumor
Quality of life is requested.
Passed away in her sleep just as she wished. 9/30/2012