Well, in 07 I went to my doctor for a lump under my tongue on the left side. She said it was a blocked salivary gland, no tests were run. About 2 years later and many emails to her about this blocked salivary gland that hadn't gone away, I went to the ER hoping for tests, I neither liked nor trusted my PCP.He concurred with her and said blocked salivary gland, suck on lemon drops, no tests. A week later went back to my PCP on 9/18/09 she again said blocked salivary, suck on even more lemon drops, still no tests. Changed insurance on 1/1/10, went to my new PCP showed her the lump approx March, it was getting very painful, radiating to my jaw and back molar. ENT referal immediately. The ENT in all his wisdom, kept throwing out options, well we could perform surgery or just wait and see. I told him to perform surgery so on 9/18/11 I had surgrey and was diagnosed with Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. I have had a major surgery to remove all of my salivary glands, neck dissection removeing 16 nodes with feeding tube. Hospitalized for 10 days. Had a tooth pulled. Am now undergoing 33 rounds of radition with severe side effects, my new surgeon was very upset with the ENT as he left no margins and he had to remove the whole floor of the left side of my mouth and move a muscle over to fill in the hole and use a skin graft from my thigh. I have 18 more rads to go and can't wait to start living my life without cancer. Some days are good others arent', some days I just want to give up but I know that would be stupid. So I keep moving forward take my morphine and try to live through this pain, just like all of you.

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Int/high
9/10-1st surgery
10/13/10-2nd surg,UCSF Dr.Eisele rmv tumor,L floor mouth excised, muscle moved under chin,skin graft L thigh to cover. Neck disct 16 nodes
11/29/10-IMRT 30under chin