Wow Susan you and I are almost identical in diagnosis and treatment. Mine was intermediate to high grade in my submandibular. They removed all the glands but left the parotid. I had treatment number 16 today so yes we are neck and neck. I have been on morphine and magic mouthwash. I develeoped mucositis and was unable to swallow, which is still a challenge. I only had the feeding tube in the hospital. I also have the mouthwash for yeast infection, which I do, and floride treatments daily. My neck and jaw are getting very sore right now and I noticed new sores popping up so tomorrow I have my weekly appt with the RO. My sense of taste is fading in and out. I can't wait for 3 days off coming up! If you want to email me privately please do. I'm so glad to finally meet someone with the same cancer in the same area as me. I'm also on the boards on cancer survivors network, it offers a ton of support also. It was nice of you to message me back. Happy Holidays. Shelly

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Int/high
9/10-1st surgery
10/13/10-2nd surg,UCSF Dr.Eisele rmv tumor,L floor mouth excised, muscle moved under chin,skin graft L thigh to cover. Neck disct 16 nodes
11/29/10-IMRT 30under chin