Depression is one of the most difficult problems that HNC patients have to face. The challenges of life in the shadow of cancer make it even more difficult. The inability or difficulty to speak in many people make it hard to express emotions and can lead to isolation.

The social stigma associated with admitting it makes it difficult to reach and treat many individuals that need therapy. Surgical cure is not enough and there should be more emphasize about mental well being afterward.

Depression is part of the normal mechanism of coping with adversity. There are several stages in the way that most people cope with a difficult new situation such as being diagnosed with cancer. The first stage is Denial and Isolation, than Anger, followed by Depression, and finally there is Acceptance.

Some people get �stuck� at a certain stage such as Depression, or Anger. It is important to move on and get to the final stage of acceptance and hope.

This is why professional help and understanding and help by family and friends are very important.

One can read more about depression in my Blog:

Itzhak Brook MD