thank you all for the support. it has really helped..especially this morning. we aren't giving up.
the more i think about that 'chief of staff' the more heated i get. he was such an ASS. no sympathy. my mom even aplogized to him saying 'i know this is a hard part of your job' and he just shrugged and said 'well i do it everyday'. he made us feel like it was our fault we're in this predicament because we didnt go to Duke first.
i told him i didnt mean to be disrespectful but lots of people see Dr's like him and hear 'theres nothing i can do' and then they go on to another hospital and are treated and cured. he said 'well youre welcome to visit another hospital in houston or hopkins but i know those guys. theyll agree with me.' he was in and out of the office in 5 minutes. we just left crying with heavy hearts feeling like it was over.

as soon as i got home i tried to make an appointment with MD Anderson. yesterday was a difficult day to do with it being Friday. they lady said if i didnt hear back from her yesterday, shed call me Monday. i guess we'll be flying out there as soon as possible.

thank you again for your positive thoughts. i really need it. i just turned 25 years old..i just got married in november. we were going to start a family but i dont even want to without my mother here to share the experience with me.

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven