Honey, I hope this helps.
My husband has survived three recurrances.
His initial diagnosis was August of 2002 with stage III tonsillar cancer.
Two weeks shy of his 5 year mark, he was diagnosed with base of tongue, stage IV.
In 2009, it showed back up, stage IV.
Three mths later, another stage IV recurrance in 09.
He is working, cancer free, and giving us all the grief he used too!
Don't let anything get in the way. Especially the odds. They don't mean a damn thing!!!!!
My prayers are with you,

Stage III tonsil, Dx 8/14/2002,chemo and rad...reoccurance 8/3/07,Base of Tongue,vocal cords,stage IVA,total larynectomy and glossectomy 9/4/07 with pec flap...reoccurance Nov. '08 and Feb. '09 (positive margins remained after each operation) Second pec flap May 7, 2009. Still positive margins.