No Nancy they didnt do a CT - the radiologist (whom I spoke to personally) said they couldn't see anything that raised any concern on the ultrasound and as another ENT and denstist said that what they could feel didnt feel sinister I think we will have to leave it at that. I think I am going to have to go with them for the moment as whatever the dentist can feel has been around for at least 8 months possibly even over a year and I feel if it was the dreaded c it would look like something that demanded an fNA by now.

We had his lung xray back yesterday and that was declared normal which is somewhat amusing given that we know that he has a small area of lung collapse that showed up on CT last year.

ENT jokingly called Chaz a fraud for being so well and to be honest I cant push for anymore. I would love him to have a PET scan, but they dont do them routinely here and Chaz just would not go for it. Chaz isnt concerned and just wants to get on with his masters. he says the latest round of tests were all about me rather than him - true to some extent as he is my life. If I push him any further I'll lose him because of what he perceives to be my obsession about his disease rather than cancer itself. I 'm getting to the stage where I would rather settle for a shorter happier time with him than a longer miserable relationship fully of worry and hospital visits with me being seen as the big reminder of his cancer. Besides I dont think I could go through the anxiety I have been feeling waiting for the lungxray again were to have a scan. I have always been a real worrier and the anxiety over scans really interferes with my sleep and my work.

I think I have to stop taking responsibility for his health. But it is hard as he has, up until now, complicitly allowed me to to do so - not reading anything himself in the knowledge that I have been doing lots of research. after spending quite a bit of time on these boards, I have started to wonder whether women with SCC head and neck tend to fare better because they take more responsibility for their health and push and challenge the medics more than men do? Rash generalisation I know, but I can see signs of my father (who died of cancer caught late cos he would never go to a doctor) in Chaz..... Embarrassed about causing a fuss etc....may also be a class thing...Chaz comes from a relatively poor background and doesn't have much confidence. I grew up in an enviroment where my dad was a big cheese and have always been happy to challenge power and authority?

Anyway I am digressing. Another thing I wonder - has there been any research to demonstrate that routine PET/ct mRI scan after treatment produce a survival advantage. Could do a random trial of patients in the uk and US. Would be very interesting...
