Hi Tristeve here again. I just read the recent posts and yes, these long term side effects truly stink! I have had a PEG for 18 months now and it is truly a life saver. I must have has aspirated pneumonia 6 times. Then a doctor told me if I don't get a PEG, I will die. Hard truth. These days I am "OK". 95% goes through the PEG. I try to eat and drink a little bit every day, but that may stop in the near future. BTW, as Brian suggests, I do blend my own food, more nutritious, better for me. So I am OK with being a "Tubie" what I really hate is my speech. One on one, in a closed quiet place I am OK, but forget it in a group and I really struggle on the phone. Often just impossible. All that being said I remind myself what my ENT said......it bears the alternative!!!! So, yes, my life has changes so much, but I am still moving and trying to accept the New Normal