Hello Mela,

I'm the OP for the discussion concerning radiations affects on the carotid artery. I am currently pursuing opinions on dealing with the stenosis present in my artery that was in the line-of-fire of the treatment radiation.

I remain very grateful for my treatment regimen and have absolutely no regrets. It was explained to me at the time that the Standard for treating my cancer was a combination of radiation & chemotherapy. Having said that, they talked to me about current research that was pointing towards removing chemo from the Standard treatment as there was concern it was "over-kill" and not absolutely necessary. After due consideration, I declined the chemo aspect of the Standard treatment. I remain comfortable with that decision.

Post-treatment, I remain determined to research the possible chronic effects of the life-saving treatment I received. I believe in nipping things in the bud as the best means of dealing with any issues that may arise. I accept this as the natural consequence of my problem & it's treatment. I plan to make the very best of the rest of my days.

I wish you the best possible luck going forward. Talk to as many people as you can, weigh the pros & cons, then make an informed decision.

Take care,