Not sure if I should start a new topic here or not, but the "constant nausea" subject line got my attention as my S.O. continues w/nausea even though he's 'only' undergoing rad tx, not chemo. He was actually sent home this afternoon after he thought he was going to vomit when the tx was just about to start--he was screwed down to the table and had had the positioning xrays done and everything. Was to go back tonight once he felt better but never did feel better. This means another tx tacked on the end, I suppose. Some days the nausea is much worse than others; today obviously a bad one and this despite Zofran, Ativan, Reglan (and maybe a Compazine too). Rather discouraging. It's 10:30pm here now and he's dozing in bed but still nauseated. Won't do the fluoride trays b/c afraid that might put him over the edge. Any others w/this much difficulty w/nausea during radiation?

GM, for John who has SCC Rt tonsil with 3+ nodes, Stage T1 N2b MX; surgery 04/09; Rad X 33 completed 7/14/09...f/u imaging and scopes looking good as of Feb 2011