Philly, we are almost at the end. Tomorrow is my last radiation, which means that you guys have three more left.

I am getting conflicting messages - my RO says that a week after tomorrow I should be feeling much much better, his nurse is saying that two-three weeks from tomorrow I should slowly start feeling better. I'm just looking forward to some sort of positive trend.

38 yo@dx, female, non-smoker, non-drinker, SCC right lateral tongue. T2N2aMx stage IVa; 1/20/09 bilateral neck dissection, hemiglossectomy, micromets in 2 right nodes, left all clear. 33xIMRT + 3 cisplatins. Tx completed 5/08/09. PET scan 7/29/09 clear, 5/26/10 clear, chest x-ray 5/23/11 clear