I had not thought of the open sore fact with the PEG tube. I just really wanted to soak up to my neck in a hot bath tub after radiation and was doing so about once a week, complete with bubbles, until I read on one of the blogs here not to. I don't know why they did not give me some type of instruction booklet with this thing. I have had quite a few mishaps and questions. Hopefully I can put on some weight now and figure a way to maintain a weight without it. Then I can have it removed. So far I am having Carnation every morning but it is only my first week post radiation.

I do not think that I would consider rat noises in my room to be comforting. But then I was once married to a rat. (sorry)
I have read that they are very intelligent but I did not know that their life expectancy was so short. Is that only in captivity or in general??


SCC Floor of Mouth 7/06
9/06 Surgery, bilateral neck dissection, 58 nodes clear PT2pN0pMx
35 rad 2006
Recurred 6/08, 1 Carboplatin, 1 Cisplatin
Surgery 9/08 - Total glossectomy, free flap from pectoral muscle, left mandible replaced using fibula
35 IMRT & Erbitux 11/08
4/15/09 recurrence
6/1/09 passed away, rest in peace