I like your ideas, but Pete I'm not sure what you are talking about attaching the peg to. Itself? Could you explain it another way? It takes me a minute or two to catch on sometimes. ha/ha
I like the the other ideas too. I might try to find an ace bandage at kmart tomorrow. It's just that it sounds a little confining, not that tucking it into my pants isn't. lol
Thanks for the ideas.
Love, Becky

9/18/08 Diagnosed SCC/Stage 2 Left floor of mouth and tongue.
9/26 Laser Surgery
10/9 First appt. at CTCA in Chicago
11/24 RO Tomo TX (5x wk)for 7 wks
11/26 Port Insertion w/access
12/2 -Chemo/Cisplatin (1X wk) 123 min. for 6 wks
12/15 - Peg Tube Insertion