My tube (the one I went out of my way to get) has a very positive hose clamp on it to keep from spilling.

The big drawback to having the PEG is that I can't go up to the public pool and swim a little or soak in the hot tub because it is essentially an open sore.

Back in the '90s, I was going to get a guinea pig and was reading around on the internet when I stumbled onto some rat groups -- They are inexpensive and very intelligent, although you just seem to be getting to know them when that Use By date expires (typically, they only live two to three years.

They are very social, so it's better to have more than one, but of course a group won't bond as well as an "only" rat -- The females are always going and doing something, whereas the males are laid back and make good "lap rats". So far, I think my best rat was Ratatouille, who traveled from Florida to Newfoundland to West Coast and is interred in a state park in Alaska!

My daughter sends EMail to me as Daddy Rat!

Age 67 1/2
Ventral Tongue SCC T2N0M0G1 10/05
Anterior Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 6/08
Base of Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 12/08
Three partial glossectomy (10/05,11/05,6/08), PEG, 37 XRT 66.6 Gy 1/06
Neck dissection, trach, PEG & forearm free flap (6/08)
Total glossectomy, trach, PEG & thigh free flap (12/08)
On August 21, 2010 at 9:20 am, Pete went off to play with the ratties in the sky.