i would suggest taking oil of oregano or olive leaf extract (in pill form) to rid the body of the yeast you are carrying in your gutt and then add probiotics to add good flora to your gutt. Those who dispute this works have not tried it, plain and simple. Using diflucan etc too rid the body of excess yeast is great too but for maintenance to keep it at bay ongoing, this works. It is happening because you have a yeast overgrowth in your system that needs to be gotten under control. Your treatments made you more inclined to suffer from it.

Also eating more veggies (raw, juiced or steamed is best) will help neutralize your system, giving less acidity for the yeast to work with and grow.

Sugar is what fungi lives on, so removing as much sugar, white flour, and fruit as possible from your diet will help to remove the yeast as it will not have anything to live on. (green apples are safe in the fruit dept)

Best wishes - I had thrush so bad that went undiagnosed for so long it got where I could not even swallow liquids... it can get serious if not tended to and it will keep coming back if you do noto treat the cause instead of the symptoms. And not always does it show up as white patches which is why mine was misdiagnosed for so long ... if your mouth is burning, it may well be thrush.

Also, to clarify something another poster said ... candida (yeast, thrush) is not a virus, it is a fungi. For this reason it is treated with antifungals. Fungi is very stubborn and will remain unless you get all layers of it. This is why you do things for maintenance after initial antifungal med treatment or it will continue to repeat itself every once in awhile ...

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."