yes, it can be very dangerous if left untreated... and very uncomfortable.

my doctor told me that things such as yogurt with live cultures are good and she recommends them to use in conjunction with other treatment, they will not cure it on their own, it will just help get the good bacteria built up so you heal quicker and don't get a recurrence, hopefully. it is good to use WITH the other treatments like diflucan etc.

she also told me that doing ongoing maintenance doses of things like diflucan are counterproductive and make you more suseptible to another bout of the candida (thrush) because the thrush will actually become immune to it and use it as food, like it does sugar... so one would want to balance this with the ongoing problems one may encounter after treatment.

while the fungi is always present, it is the overgrowth that causes the problems and this is what things like oil of oregano and olive leaf can help keep under control. i use it daily and have no more problems with thrush and like i said i had it so bad it got where i could not even swallow... anf they used every pill they have at their disposal to get rid of the stupid stuff because it had such a stronghold by the time they figured out what it was (because there were no white patches as they look for). it was in my mouth, and down my esophogus.

*they have told me since, that this could have contributed to my diagnosis of cancer as well - so nothing to play with. While i will never know IF it was a contributing factor, I will always know it possibly was and that is enough for me, to hate the stuff with a passion.*

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."