Hi Adele,

I have a lot of burning, and throat/tonsil pain.
Saw doc 2/20, she believes it is oral lichens planus,
I also have the rash on my wrists and feet.
She gave me three meds, dapsone, dexamethasone, and diflucan.
I recommend you research oral lichens planus from the home page of this website. Please feel free to send me a note if you have any more questions or concerns.

Dad had oral lichens planus, and oral leukoplakia before T2 SCC,2 nodes.
IMRT 12/29/03.30 rad,3 boost.
Brachytherapy 3/8-3/11/04.
Recurrence Nov07 Stage IV.
4 Surgeries
No rads, no chemo
I have oral lichens planus,
thrush,leukoplakia 2/20/08
6/2/08 biopsies "inflammation"