Hi Pam,

September 18th is a wonderful day you know........it's the day after I gave birth to two of my daughters 10 years apart. I had Charity on September 17th 1980 and then had Mercedes on September 17th, 1990..........SO, the 18th is a special day and will have good vibes for you. I'll be thinking of you Pam and hoping for good results.

I went back to nursing school when I had just my six oldest daughters. We were not planning anymore children and I SO wanted to finish my schooling I had started after high school. So, I took the leap and went back. I've always loved school and I was in Heaven to say the least. I had one year left to finish my degree and I was so excited. Then, after a night of not being safe, we found ourselves expecting our 7th daughter, Samantha. I was heartbroken, pissed, not happy, you name it in a negative light and that was me! I didn't think they would allow me to finish the year out, I am oldschool from Maine and they used to make the girls that "got pregnant" leave school. Well, of course they had no issues with me finishing and I not only finished, but delivered Sam 9 days before my graduation AND was Valedictorian of my class. Such a proud moment for me.........as I sat there in my nursing whites, my chest about to burst from breast milk, the usual oversized pad we all have to wear after childbirth, and worrying nonstop that she would cry in the front row with my husband and I'd have to leave the stage to go nurse her. It wasn't the way I imagined my graduation but it sure ended up the most perfect day of my life. Sam is 13 now and loves to hear her dad and I tell that story!

So, stick with school, no matter how sick you feel, no matter how horrible a mindset you may have. It's something for YOU and it will make you feel good.

Keep me posted,

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.