I don't even know how to start this. Got the phone report late today that John has more[new?] cancer at approximately the same site as the other. I got the report from our Otolaryngologist's nurse, which I thought was inappropriate, but he was out of town. I absorbed about 1\2 of what she said. But here is what I remember right now. He wants to do more surgery, which will include a jaw resection and replacement with bone from somewhere else, remove more lymph nodes and remove more of his tongue, put a peg in again and a trach, and then start chemo. WHAT questions should I be asking this time? How can I prepare John for this surgery? [the last time around he didn't want to know anything, but I have printed a zillion pages from here for him to read over the last 8 months and he has read every one and asks for more] I need to know something about resections, trachs and more about chemo before we start this round. I am counting on you all for help and info here. You have kept me going thus far and that has helped me keep John going. Amy

CGtoJohn:SCC Flr of Mouth.Dx 3\05. Surg.4\05.T3NOMO.IMRTx30. Recur Dx 1\06.Surg 2\06. Chemo: 4 Cycles of Carbo\Taxol:on Erbitux for 7 mo. Lost our battle 2-23-07- But not the will to fight this disease
