Cynthia.........I always look forward to your posts and hearing how "Mom" is doing. She really is a trooper!

I think once your Mom figures out just how much better she'll feel being fulling hydrated, she'll be back to talking with you. I know I never fully realized just how physically sick I could/would become if I didn't keep myself hydrated. I am convinced that PEG tube kept me out of the hospital on more a few occasions during my recovery period. Plus, having the tube in makes everything so much easier; no more worry about getting enough nourishment or liquid intake. Much of the time during recovery I probably would have passed on food anyway because I just didn't feel like eating. With the PEG I was able to get three square meals a day with little or no effort on my part! Hopefully, your Mom will realize the benefits before too long. It seems like it is always something, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'm rooting for you two and wishing your Mom a speedy recovery! Sincerely, Donna

SCC first time 1989, with a diagnoses of 'cancer in situ' removed lesion, no other treatments.
SCC recurrence 1997 of tongue and floor of the mouth. Stage III /IV Hemmiglossectomy (removed over 60% of tongue/ floor of the mouth), free flap, modified neck, RAD and Chemo(cisplatin, 5fu) simutainously.
Cancer free 6, yes, six, years!