Cynthia, I just love to hear how your mom is doing. She is a trooper!

I am with Donna on the value of a PEG. I have mine one month post treatment end, and I use it every day for cans of ProBalance (a nutritionally balanced Nestle product supplied by the hospital, which smells so bad I could never, ever drink it, although I can drink anything else.) My problem with proper nutrition is not sore throat, but lack of chewing teeth. Back to the PEG, I really sweated this out, and there are still some embarrassing posts on this forum which show me up for a wuss. However, I was given an IV and when I woke up I had a PEG, which did not hurt. This was an outpatient procedure in the Gastroenterology Dept. Donna also clued me in to the dangers of dehydration, and did so with such force that I paid attention. When my throat was too sore to drink, I just put a large syringe barrel in the opening of the PEG, and held it under a faucet.

Whaever you decide will be an improvement. You and your mom have my most sincere wishes for her continued progress.
