Hi everyone,

After a 13 hour day yesterday, I am beat!

Mom came home with a PEG tube - it's amazing how quickly things can be done sometimes. However, mom is not a happy camper and is licking her wounds. And not speaking to me.

We saw the chemo onc. We found out that the director of the cancer facility is anti-tubes because he fears the loss of swallowing. Well, I've learned we have to pick our poison - without the tube, I firmly believe mom would have just deteriorated. So what good is swallowing if the patient can't even get out of bad?

I believe in the patient having the right to make their own decisions, but as a family member who knows my mom wasn't doing what she needs to, I felt this had to be done. Also found out from the doc that he didn't want to be the one to force the issue - but at least sided with me as to the need for it and even stated to mom that he thought she was in denial. (As an aside - out of my mother's presence - the doc said his impression is that he thought my mom didn't care whether she lived or died. I really don't believe that - that's why I'm trying to do what I can to help her. But it's not very good if your doctors have this impression. Haven't said anything to mom about this - not sure I will).

So now it's wait and see. I'm hoping that the strength and energy(?) she may get will help her to overcome this. Only time will tell.

Thanks for all the input. I know it was the right thing. I hope my mom eventually realizes that.
