Dave and I also thought about the possibility of posting something about the foundation in an advanced practice journal for certified oncology, radiation, and pain specialist nurses/nurse practitioners. I get the feeling many health care providers don't know what is available to refer patients to for on-line info and support. In our case, the social worker was willing to help, but the resources she had were fairly scanty. The SPOHNC meeting I attended was a disappointment because the info being discussed was so many steps backward from what we talk about here which is more state of the art. Seems SPOHNC could also offer web sites for members to access.

I like Dee's idea of newspapers as a venue.The other thought I had was creating an OCF pin that can be distibuted with web site and foundation information in our respective geographic areas. That task could definitely been done at the grass roots level and it did work for the breast cancer and the HIV folks.


*Stage III Right Tonsillar Ca. *Diagnosed Aug. 2002
*Surgery Sept.,Radiation Dec. 2002
*For everything else there's Mastercard.