Hi Doreen and Lee,

In July 2003 I had a total glossectomy, right/left neck dissection, trach, and peg tube surgery (no larynx involvement). After 8 1/2 months I was able to have the trach and feeding tube removed which was a BIG milestone! Today I am able to eat just about anything I want (rare steak, chicken, pasta, seafood, veggies, etc.) except for most if not all bread-type foods including the "good stuff" (cookies, chips, crackers!). For the most part I've found that if I can pickup the food up with my small fork, then I can eat it. Needless to say mealtime consists of hugh amounts of water needed to help move it along and wash it down, but hey, I hear water is good for you, too!! I must say that eating is not as enjoyable as it use to be (sense of taste is very limited) and does require a lot of concentration and determination, BUT it can be done! And occasionally the food does get hung up in my throat but nothing that a cough and spitting food out can't solve (sorry to sound gross). Anyway, hang in there, Lee. By the way with the help of a speech therapist and using a palatal drop mouth prosthesis, my speech is pretty darn good.

I hope this helps as far as some encouragement that you'll be able to eat again.

Hugs, Nancy

Stage IV oral cancer (tongue), T3N2, total glossectomy with right and left modified neck dissection 7/03, rad /chemo ended 11/03