
we had to deal with my sister's bills too until her medicaid (whatever it is called in california) came through a few months ago. if i understand correctly, they've said they'd reimburse her for what she had paid but i'm not sure if there were any limits and exceptions. i'm sketchy on this stuff cuz i live in canada. but i know how overwhelming medical bills are particularly at a time when you're already stressed by your brother's illness. hang in there and persist with medicaid.

whatever the circumstances, i find it troubling that you did not know what the surgery would entail. it must have been quite a shock for your brother to come to and find half of his jaw gone! the problem with receiving treatment in this fashion is that info gets lost and there is a lack of continuity in terms of who leads the treatment. do look up the comprehensive cancer centres (CCC) in ohio, but if you can't take your brother there for any reason, you may want to at least get second opinions from them. many of these centres also do long-distance consultation with patients and/or physicians.

if a CCC doesn't pan out, then i'd suggest you try to find a medical oncologist for your brother as his primary physician. in my experience, while surgeons typically seem to not be in the habit of consulting with other disciplines, medical oncologists are much more informed and interested in multidisciplinary plans. ask around. you may find a good doctor as we did eventually for my sister.

be well.


sister diagnosed 11/03 SCC maxilla keratenizing stg IV T1N1Mx; 4-7 positive lymph nodes; dissection 12/03 left upper pallette removd; radiaton left side 35 sessions 2/04-4/04; recurrence same side 4/04; chemo began 5/04 incl cisplatine, 5fu, taxotere