What good support there is in this forum!
My MRI is on th 18th and I meet with the Docs on the 25th. That was an "urgent" booking.
Someone gave me a hint about alternating hot and cold packs...but that seems to do little. Rest, or perhaps the immobility seems to calm the area down, but the tylenol#3s do take the edge off. It is as puzzling to me as it is to the docs at this point, but it does interfere with my quality of life and I will squawk shamelessly until they help find a resolution to the pain. How's that for ornery!
We are helping educate the medical side with our input about this unique form of cancer.
Thanks for the feedback,

SCC Base of tongue diag. April 04 Stage IV, mets to rt. neck multiple nodes 35 rads+8 boosts First recurrence Jan05. Rt.rad neck dissection Feb02/05. Recurred with bone mets in neck July 05.
Committed to survival with dignity.