This is Lisa--
Dad has really had a rough time of it. Even though he has been off the Ethyol, his is still battling nauscia all the time. We have found that a cocktail of Compozine, Reglan and Zofran, along with a .5 injection of Adivan is the only way to get him through his radiation treatments without vomiting. He is also on Zoloft for the anxiety and today, we just upped his pain patch. You know, you read and hear about what a tough road it's going to be, but you never really understand it all until you are there in the thick of it. Between me, my brother, mom and sister, we are with him from 6:30 a.m. until about 10:00 p.m. We are concerned about him while he is on the Adivan, especially getting up to go to the restroom and walking for exercise. He has already had a fall and bumped his head on his bead, and his thought process isn't clear. Today, he hit the halfway point of his protocol, so it's all downhill from here. Starting to see that glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Steve F., I am really glad that you have been able to tollerate the ethyol. I really hope it helps in preserving your healthy tissue. I hope the last 5 shots go well for you. :-)