Marie, your time frame between surgery and rad/chemo seems about normal to me. I, too, was a stage IV and had to wait even longer while some teeth were extracted. Our cancers were growing for a long time, so a couple of weeks won't make any appreciable difference.

Now, about being afraid. Just look at this as one short battle you have to fight. In the overall scheme of things, this is a very small period in your life. I was tired, but never had to stay in bed. I cooked for my husband sometimes and did laundry. I just took things slow and easy.

I prepared myself mentally for something really, truly horrible, and it never even got close to that. I had a PEG so did not have to worry about the pain of eating. I think that made things much, much easier for me.

Put on your tough pants, Marie, and just march right into battle. You can do this and do it well!