There are so many clinical trials & I have tried to go through them all. I have forwarded a few to my Dad's oncologist & he said he would be happy to discuss them with me. At this point I'm going to see if my Dad is willing to travel to the #1 cancer center in Houston since I feel like we haven't been given much hope.
I did talk to his Dr about hallucinations and I was told to see how much pain meds he's taking. He had just finished his bottle of roxicet and I don't want to give him another one until I see if he is overdosing. So, he hasn't had any roxicet in the last 48 hours and he stopped talking, walking in his sleep & hasn't hallucinated. I'm thinking he was overdosing on it. Now I have to figure out a way to measure his dosage & give it to him only when I now it's been 6 hours from the last. I don't know how he'll take that I'm going to babysit his med taking.

Caregiver along with my mother to my Father
SCC 12/2012 age 63
25 rad end 2/2013
10 rad end 7/2013
9/19 recur. Stage IV
not a candidate for surgery
more chemo 10/2013
Clear PET 01/2014
cancer back on PET 04/2014
not operable MET to nose
at a NCCN
35 Rad start 06/23/14
Chemo every week during Rad for 7 weeks