Lisa, sorry I didn't get to your post earlier. I will be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow. My husband is being treated at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto as well. They are truly at the cutting edge. If you indeed have to have chemo radiation after surgery, make sure to talk to your RO about the naturopathic remedies you are taking. It is something to do with the particulates. But hopefully you won't have to take that step. All the best tomorrow.

She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails... Elizabeth Edwards

Wife to John,dx 10/2012, BOT, HPV+, T3N2MO, RAD 70 gy,Cisplatinx2 , PEG in Dec 6, 2012, dx dvt in both legs after second chemo session, Apr 03/13 NED, July 2013 met to lungs, Phase 1 immunotherapy trial Jan 18/14 to July/14. Taxol/carboplatin July/14. Esophagus re-opened Oct 14. PEG out April 8, 2015. Phase 2 trial of Selinexor April to July 2015. At peace Jan 15, 2016.