Hi Tony,

Thanks for your candid testimony as it helps and I appreciate it. You were right on target with many of my current thoughts in this process and kinda feel a bit bad as there is man in my life ( more like a FWB) and he knows and we been together once since I learned once but my spirit feels quiet now and think I just end it or put it on the shelf as I need to get through this as I dont want to consciously infect others and what is amazing is how quiet our population is about sex anyways - My God we all eat drink and poop and have have sex too.

Yea I cannot change the facts and the great news is my son has been / is abstinent and did get the vaccine so I am pleased about that.

I to am a HPV positive so that is good mainly the biggest factors are dealing with unprofessional hospital admins that drive me bonkers and my lax energy and the emotionally whammie to the acceptance of all of this as I forge ahead and make determinations on the best course of treatment actions.

It is my right tonsil so here is a maybe ignorant question but My doc said to stay away from oral sex which I have done but do you think that means all other is green light go or basically anyone having any interaction with me is subjected to the virus regardless act?

Best thing I heard from one doc is only 15% of smokers get lung cancer. "so I would not stop being intimate as such"
Yes part of the lucky club I am now and a female at that so that is a strange twist too.

Have a good night gotta do normal things laundry and have two doc appts tomorrow but am excited that have an appt at Mayo next tues. Either way my treatment should start in less then two weeks.

Any preparatory thoughts on eating or anything to help my ease would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hello, I was diagnosed on 12/21/13 - still wanting to deny that I have it shaming myself for being a sexual human being now...wish I could have done something to prevent it but am feeling passionate about the HPV vaccine as just last fall my 15 year old got his doses where were ours?
Afraid to kiss my cat even / share a glass beverage with my son ( germs ) not sure what to do... but have seen the docs and making determinations on best course of treatment action for me.

Glad you are all here!