Amen Saxicola! This stupid disease took pecan pie away from me and I won't take that sitting down!! I was not a dark beer fan before Dx but they are delicious now. However, I would no more drink 6 in a sitting than I would eat an entire pie back in the day.

If there are no overriding medical concerns to me it's almost a philosophical question. Now that I know what feeling bad feels like, I try to do things that make me feel good. At my age with my history I can't imagine how bad a hangover would feel. So I never over indulge. What does make me feel good is a good run or bike ride, a tough workout at the gym with one of my boys, and a plate of Tex-Mex with an ice cold Negro Modelo. In everything, moderation.

Dx March 2011 via FNA (49 yrs old)
HPV+ exact strain unknown
Stage IVa T3N2cM0
Cisplatin x 3, IMRT x 40 (7267 cGy)
One node removed post-treatment (rad dmg)
Clean PET 10/28/11
Swallow therapy