Good point David. We know that HPV-16 takes two years to clear, but in men it takes twice that amount, so it's 4 years. There are some HPV-16 strains that may be more resistant to treatment, and of different biology, and some even show failure rate after 5 years. I read before that multiple exposures of HPV increase the risk of HPV SCCC, so that goes back to your question, how, if there is an antibody after exposure. More HPV discussion to follow. Where is MD when you need him smile

10/09 T1N2bM0 Tonsil
11/09 Taxo Cisp 5-FU, 6 Months Hosp
01/11 35 IMRT 70Gy 7 Wks
06/11 30 HBO
08/11 RND PNI
08/12 RND Pec Flap IORT 12 Gy
10/12 25 IMRT 50Gy 6 Wks Taxo Erbitux
10/13 SND
10/13 TBO/Angiograph
10/13 RND Carotid Remove IORT 10Gy PNI
12/13 25 Protons 50Gy 6 Wks Carbo
11/14 All Teeth Extract 30 HBO
03/15 Sequestromy Buccal Flap ORN
09/16 Mandibulectomy Fib Flap Sternotomy
04/17 Regraft hypergranulation Donor Site
06/17 Heart Attack Stent
02/19 Finally Cancer Free Took 10 yrs