Ray, we traveled 3 hours each way for my husbands treatment and luckily heard about The Hope Lodge through the American Cancer Society. It was a blessing finding this wonderful place where we could stay with no charge. Very nice rooms with a 6 community kitchen that are shared. We met very wonderful people that worked there and were there as guests also. There are 3 locations in NY, not sure which would be closest to you.

American Cancer Society Hope Lodge�Buffalo
Buffalo , NY Phone: 716-882-9244

American Cancer Society Hope Lodge Jerome L. Greene Family Center�New York City
New York City , NY Phone: 212-492-8400
, NY
American Cancer Society B. Thomas Golisano Hope Lodge and Hospitality House�Rochester, NY
Rochester , NY Phone: 585-224-4936

Hope this is helpful. As far as driving my husband usually drove especially when we were rushed for time or there was a lot of traffic but I often took over when coming home when he started falling asleep. He is a Pastor and did work much of the time throughout treatment, even drove home Wed. night just to do a parenting class all but two weeks. He never missed a Sunday during treatment although he did look pretty bad for awhile with his red neck and weight loss.

Wishing you the best, Terri

Husband diagnosed Oct '11 Cancer of the vocal cord Nov '11 removed right vocal cord. Neck Dissection, cancer in one node, .2, very small & contained) Jan '12 Radiation and Cisplatin, 6 doses. June '12 & Dec '12 clear Pet scan. April '13 Celebrating 1 year cancer free since treatment ended.