Joyce is doing well post surgery.

Update as of October 13 from a relative:

"Joyce is completely awake. The mouth tube is gone, but her tongue is still a bit swollen so she can't speak well, so she writes things down instead. She seemed to be breathing normally already when I was in her room. I think she's receiving her food via the IV (dextrose?) since she isn't eating or taking fluids by mouth yet. From I heard this afternoon, they expect her to be transferred to a regular room by Monday, and might be able to go home Tuesday or Wednesday. I am wondering if the doctors will come to the hospital tomorrow which is a Sunday. If they do, I guess there's a chance she'll be allowed to move to a regular room tomorrow."

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.