[quote=ChristineB]Best wishes with the big surgery! Try to stay with her while she is in the hospital as her advocate. Anyone undergoing a major surgery like this needs someone to be with them. Make sure the pain meds keep coming as without it she will be in alot of discomfort. As I mentioned on another thread, ask for a possey muir valve trach if she will be getting a trach.

Best wishes for a smooth surgery and a fast recovery!!! [/quote]

Hello Christine... none of her children will be with her since we are in the USA. Her sister will be her voice. I think it is more frustrating for us since nobody in Manila is asking the right questions. They said she will just be in the hospital for 4 days. That part I don't understand. She is not in a Cancer hospital..I don't think they have that there. How frustrating.

Thanks again...keep you posted.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.