Hi! I had surgery to remove a portion of my tongue, although I did not need a flap the doctor had to cut the nerve so now the left side of my tongue is numb. I also find myself thinking about how my life used to be, I mean I was in college one moment and then the next I was at doctors appointments every day. Most people I talk to say they can not tell that my speech is funky, but I definitely notice it and it makes me pretty self-conscious! In the beginning I struggled a lot and began to become unhappy but I made some changes in my life and now I am ready to get back in the game! One thing that has helped me to get past everything is I use every opportunity I have to inspire someone. I believe that if I get my story out there, I can give hope to other people. I hope that you can also find a way to use your story in a positive way!

Female. 19 years old. Non smoker/drinker. HPV negative. Stage 3 Squamous cell on the side of the tongue. Had lymph nodes removed and part of the tongue.